For the warmth of the sun as it comes up in the east, and the beauty of it's crimson rays as it sets in the west.
Thank you for feeding us and sustaining us with your bounty. It is such a blessing.
Thank you for the gift of freedom. For the ability to speak my conscience without fear of persecution.
Bless you, Father, for giving us the gift of our work and the provision it gives our families and those we reach out to.
Please bless this country, Father, and let your hand rest upon us as we look to you for our hope and our strength. May all of those who have given their lives for the freedoms of this country never be forgotten or taken for granted. May you bless them in a very real and personal way.
And for our trials ahead, Lord, may we find our joy, peace and strength in you alone.
Have mercy upon us, oh God, and ready our hands for battle. May you give us victory over our enemies and bring to nothing their plans of murder and strife.
Yes, Lord, you make our hands strong for battle..and go before us in power and strength.