Re: more from the files

2016 Dinner
Convention Chairs
Messages In This Thread
- Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Condolences to Christine
- Condolences to Christine
- So sorry to hear this sad news!
Very, very sad news...RIP, Sheldon
- Re:
Very, very sad news...RIP, Sheldon
- Sheldon Smith - RIP
- My Condolences Christine - RIP Sheldon
- Very very sad. My thoughts are with Christine
- May God bless...
- Love you CHRISTINE be well, sorry for your loss.
- May he be at peace - RIP
- So sorry to hear - Will be greatly missed
- Very sad, to be missed - RIP
- So, so sad. Condolences to his family.
- Very sad news. RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- This is horrible new...
- Very, sad news...RIP, Sheldon
- R.I.P. Sheldon. Condolences to the Smith Family
- Very sad news. Condolences to Christine.
- Shocking News, My Condolences
- So Sorry to the Smith Family Sheldon
- Re: Oh no!
Condolences to Christine & family
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- So Sorry to hear of your loss, Christie...Nancy &
- Im sorry to hear this
- Adding my condolences . . . a past customer
- Re: Adding my condolences . . . a past customer
- Very Sad
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Sheldon Smith was one of a kind!
- Truly, a tremendous loss, what a Great Man
- R.I.P. Sheldon. Condolences to the Smith Family
- R.I.P. Sheldon, thank you, will miss ya
- Sad News. Condolences to Christine.
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- so sorry - never got to meet him
- Very sad news, RIP Sheldon
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Our deepest condolences to Christine
- Re: Our deepest condolences to Christine
- Re: Our deepest condolences to Christine
- So Sad. Rest in peace my friend
- Sheldon will be missed, a great member
- So Sad To Hear Of This
- RIP My Sincerest Condolences
- Sincere condolences to Christine, family & friends
- Re: Sincere condolences - what a great guy!
- I cant express in words the sadness I feel hearing
- So sad news ! RIP Sheldon !!
- RIP Sheldon Smith. Never met
- So very sorry... RIP Sheldon.
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Rest in peace my friend
- So very sorry
- From our Hearts and Prayers
- So sorry to hear. Peace be with you.
- So very sorry to hear this news
- My Condolences ...
- God Bless Sheldon and his Family! A Very Nice Guy!
- My Condolences to the entire Smith Family
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- So sorry. Condolences to Christine
- I am very sorry to hear....
- Oh no! 😢our sincerest condolences to Chris &fam
- God Bless You Sheldon Smith
- Very sad. Our condolences, Christine
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Our Condolences to the family
- So sorry to hear this very sad need. RIP Sheldon!
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Oh that breaks my heart, RIP my friend
- Condolenses to Christine. RIP Sheldon
- Christine, A Treasure Has Been Lost. So Sorry.
- My condolences to the family
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- our condolences to the family
- Our Condolences Christine - RIP Sheldon
- So sorry to hear this...
- Condolences to Christine. Sheldon will be missed!!
- We have lost a good man
- more from the files
- Re: more from the files
- Re: more from the files
- Re: more from the files
- Strenght to the family.
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Very sad news. RIP Sheldon
- So sorry for your loss Christine..RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Awful news!
- Along with everyone I am saddened
- My condolences to Christine...
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Such a loss. My condolences to Christine.
- Very sad to hear, RIP
- He Was A Mentor To Many, A Friend To All...He Will
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Nicely said Jim
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- My Prayers are with Family and Friends
- My Condolences to Christine and family
- My deepest condolences
- oh no!
- Re: Sheldon Smith - RIP
- So Very Sad - He will be missed
Copyright 2022 David Spragg