Your welcome and no problem We have had similar problems with someone in the past and that prompted many to suggest the same thing. BABE may even be the same person as he is using similar blocks of AOL numbers and has some of the same writing styles. People have been getting really frustrated since this other guy kept changing names and assuming other peoples names. He had dozens of different IPs. It appears as though there is no way of knowing until you read a post and get familiar with his current user name or identity. Then it seems as the best practice might be to simply not respond to anything that seems to be overly obsurd, insulting or inflamatory. If he changes his name again we will know pretty quick his new name. Just ignore him. He never has a email and always is using assumed names. Therefore he would have no real attachment to his current name. The unfortunate thing here is if we ignore him and he gets no response he will change his name and start all over. He will get a rise for a couple of days and when people start ignoring again he will change names again and start over. Therefore we can just ignore anything that is as rediculous as his posts. Then maybe he will move on.