Regrettably, Team Smith could not attend the SNCCC's Year-end Holiday Party and Monthly Meeting last Tuesday, and Sheldon has asked me to provide a Report of the activities. So here goes...
Prior to the conduct of the official meeting, the Early Bird Auction was conducted, beginning at 6:55 pm. The auction was then followed by our Guest Speaker, Max Smilow, General Manager, Terrible’s Roadhouse Casino, Jean, NV, who has also worked at the Four Queens and El Cortez before taking the position in Jean.
The meeting was called to order by President Jerry Vergatos at 7:50 p.m. with 52 members and guests in attendance. Next month’s meeting (January 14th) will be held at the Gold Coast Hotel and Casino, Salon A.
The SNCCC Secretary (Jim Follis) read the minutes of the last meeting held on November 12, 2019.
SNCCC Treasurer (Terri Lonski) reported that the Club’s Financial Balance as: $7,774.77.
SNCCC Membership Chairperson (Jaydon Ogden) presented that Membership was at 245.
New Business was presented:
Mary Ann Massey reviewed handout material, SNCCC Nomination Forms, and reviewed slate of Candidates.
Jerry Vergatos announced that he made arrangements to secure our Meeting Room at the Gold Coast, for another year! We thank Boyd Gaming’s Mike Musicaro, Danni Burris and Joyce Perez, who will be honored by the SNCCC at the January 2020 meeting.
Jerry Vergatos asked if any attendees were planning to run for a CCA office and if so, would they like to make a campaign statement. Jim Follis did so for the position of Vice President.
Pam Focazio presented “MoGH Wear” for sale, with a percentage of sales going to the SNCCC.
Steve Palumbo reviewed some planning details of the CCA’s annual Convention and Show for 2020.
Loretta Palumbo reviewed some planning details of the CCA’s Early Bird Banquet at the CCA’s Convention and Show, 2020.
Jim Follis reviewed The MoGH's Milestone progress.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. After which the 50/50 Raffle and Prizes Raffle were conducted.
Below are some photos of this Holiday Greetings event!
Guest Speaker Max Smilow, GM Terrible's Roadhouse Casino, Jean, NV
The Members-Only, Special Raffle. Jerry Vergatos and Rich Burgel
Jerry Vergatos and Phil Jensen
Jerry vergatos and Ron Gaudette
Jerry Vergatos and Tom Lopez
Jerry Vergatos and Mary Ann Massey
Jerry Vergatos and Max Smilow
A great time was had by all.