These NCV Promotional Chips are really "farm fresh" as the giant Indian casino in Marksville, LA joins other casinos in using these chips to lure more players into their lovely-designed and modern casino. The chips are oversized, and very handsome, clean design inlays. Besides, the chips it's a lovely drive over the Morganza Spillway -- overflow for the Mighty Mississippi River -- and through the sugar cane fields of bayou-filled Louisiana. Besides the chips, there are sweet potato stands along the roadways that sell the famous "Red" meat spuds -- so good through December -- bought mine to "bank" over the Winter and to have all year-long. (Bank is when sweet potatoes are nestled in pine straw and stored in a dark place in your garage over the Winter. Also cross the The Atchafalaya River -- a dis-tributary of the Mississippi River and Red River in south central Louisiana. It's worth the out-of-the way visit just to see the moss-draped, massive cypress trees along the way that line bogs and small bayous.