While at the post office yesterday morning, while waiting in line, I was looking through there bin of magazines that they had set up for recycling purposes and made away with the Fall Issue of the Minnesota Historical Society publication. The lead story was about the Twin Cities Bus Lines.
So you may be asking what does that have to do with the Tropicana in Las Vegas:? I am glad that you asked.
In 1962, the Twin Cities Rapid Transit Company changed it's name to the Minnesota Enterprises Inc. (MEI) and had embarked on a program of "diversification." Over then next six year, MEI acquired a 41 percent interest in Trans-Texas Airways, a regional carrier that in turn purchased the Tropicana Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas!
Bet you didn't know that!
I always find in interesting that information such as this can turn up in the most unlikely of places!
John K. Kallman