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The Chip Board Archive 25

Re: Anyone ever been to the Drinkers Hall of Fame

No, but my girlfriends son in law just opened this micro brewery a block north of Huntington Dr. inMonrovia right next to Arcadia very close to the Race Track. He even sells the beer here on the island.
But fortunately never belonged to the drinkers club, but in the past have been involved with others such as the Moose lodge buddies etc. Hence I’ve had my fill and don’t partake in such revelry anymore.
Very cool chip and gang in the pic !!!

Messages In This Thread

Anyone ever been to the Drinkers Hall of Fame
They cater to a "sketchy" crowd vbg
Huntington Drive in Arcadia
Re: Huntington Drive in Arcadia
Loved Bahooka’s and Rufus!
We lived in Arcadia for 18 years the Derby was
Re: We lived in Arcadia for 18 years the Derby was
Shoemaker had a couple drinks dove his SUV home
Re: Shoemaker had a couple drinks dove his SUV hom
Sorry, You are correct, my memory is a little off
Re: Anyone ever been to the Drinkers Hall of Fame
oops forgot to show a pic
Would they have any relationship to the...
You must be asking Fred about Clampers
You would be right Torrey, how are you?
Doing good Reggie as far as I can tell, thanks
The convention already has thier own... we call it

Copyright 2022 David Spragg