Well for all who has been watching me these past couple plus years and my desires for casino silver tokens. A thank you for each and every one who has helped me with selling or trading with me different tokens I could use in my collection. I have a very nice collection and am always trying to grow it. But if not a token I am still very interested in good info on different silver tokens.
So below you can see a single page from my now almost complete Book. Yes, I have been working on a book of just the sterling and .999 silver casino tokens from around the world. ok, yes those made of gold or with gold plating as well. This book only contains tokens with denominations. Maybe later I might do another book on the different casino promotional silver tokens.
My question to everyone is this. If you have a casino token and it is made of silver I am very interested in it. For the info about it which I can supply to you certain questions, or if you happen to wish to sell or trade it. If I don't already have it and can use it I am very interested in it. And this goes from any token from any casino, around the world, just has to be made of silver or gold.
Below is a page out of my book. It is in black and white. Just a file page at this point. The book I plan on will be in color so the gold will stand out.