All my traders listed on the ChipGuide query facility are for sale. What follows in 9 subsequent posts are screenshots of the 200+ ChipGuide reference images that match my chips -- thanks ChipGuide! If you are interested in any chips, I can get an actual pic/scan to you with better resolution.
But, better yet -- if you haven't gotten a ChipGuide UserID yet, you should. You can mark the reference chip images as part of your collection, a wanted chip, or an available chip. And you can have ChipGuide compare your wants and chips with other chipper wants and chips and email those you have matches with -- making finding your next deal a snap! I've offered deals with all those I have matches with, so now it's time to post images all can see.
I prefer larger deals, so prices will be better with a bulk purchase. Email if you see anything of interest.
Take a look -- there are some beauties in there....