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The Chip Board Archive 05

Re: Why is it that there were NO Chips to Celebrat

I'm with ya Pete! Maybe after Four Queens gets their "Return To Standard Time 2001" chip out or The Riv sells all the mis-dated Foosball Tournament chips that actually are spelled "Foolball" they may take a crack at it. Since all the memorabilia at Hard Rock is from artists who were born about 1931, you'd think they'd get some "Geezer Greats" sets out with Jagger, Fleetwood, and Zimmerman. Burro parking at Indian Wells today just like '31 when Moe fell into his first spittoon could lead to a chip with the lovable coot with a wet beard on one side and a stable scoop on the other. 70th Ann. Irish midgets on chips from O'Shea's... but only if'n you're on the list. Maybe Jean could change the names of all the casinos in town again just for the 70th! Also would be a natural for the home of overpriced, butt-ugly LE's, Wendover.

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Why is it that there were NO Chips to Celebrate...
Re: Why is it that there were NO Chips to Celebrat
Re: Why is it that there were NO Chips to Celebrat
Andy - What ever happened to...
Russell Leff???
Re: Russell Leff???

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