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The Chip Board Archive 05

Pete Rizzo

First off you must understand that Pete was off his meds.

However, excluding the rehetoric, what Pete did was point out something that might save a newbie from getting burned. It was pointed out that he should have emailed Nevadadeals and mention the inaccuracy. Well maybe he should have, but he didn't. However nobody else on this board or in the club notified Nevadadeals by email. The fact is, if nobody is going the email route, I'm damn happy I at least found out about it on the bb.

BTW, remember when Pete was off his meds with respect to Rene. I didn't hear boo about that. Actually most thought it funny when Pete did the same stuff to Rene as he did to JA and Nevadadeals. I guess Rene is fair game while JA and Nevadadeals aren't.

Again, Pete did run off at the mouth. However maybe some collectors were save from a possible ripoff.

Messages In This Thread

Pete Rizzo
Re: Pete Rizzo
Re: Pete Rizzo
Re: Pete Rizzo
Re: Pete Rizzo - William
Thanks Gene but ????
Re: Thanks Gene but ????
Re: Thanks Gene but ????

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