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The Chip Board Archive 25
I know a scientist who would disagree with you
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Bottom line: No proof in any science. Math; yes.
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Global Warming Yea Ok !!!!!
NCR: I read where in 12 years..
We had snow in South Florida; late-70's ~~~
That's not inconsistent
Re: That's not inconsistent
Bottom line: No proof in any science. Math; yes.
I know a scientist who would disagree with you
Re: I know a scientist who would disagree with you
You would be very popular in some of my ~~~
I've met one or two myself... and ~~~
Re:Scientist disagree with other scientists
Global warm...err, Climate change
Re: Global warm...err, Climate change
Thank God for global warming or we would still be
Assuming we are warming?
A result of warming
Re: A result of warming
Excess hot air coming from...
NCR Polar Vortex Caused by Global Warming?
"Who are we supposed to believe?"
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