You make some good points that I have mentioned in the past. I am not one though that is comfortable making a scene and it really bothers me that O'Shea's forces people to do that to be satisfied. Your points about their promoting a release and not having any to sell to the public is an excellent one. If they do not intend to sell to the general public and only want to sell to dealers than why publicly promote the release. Just send out their private invitations to their dealers and sell the chips that way. I too have nothing against their selling to dealers and NISs. I depend on many of these people to get me my chips. However, in all fairness they should either divide the number of chips/tokens that are being released and distribute fairly to collectors and to dealers. If their LEs are so limited that they can't divide them and fulfill their demand from the dealers than that is an indication to me that instead of LEs of 500 maybe they should make editions of 750 or 1000. They would probably continue to sell out at that rate.
I am in a conflict here. I think O'Sheas chips are very unique, attractive and fun to collect. I have several and would love to get the others that I missed out on. I am fortunate that I have a dealer on my list that provides them at a very fair price. However as you mentioned, the appearent unfairness to those who respond to a release notice and stand in line at the cage has me concerned.
I didn't pick up on the cars even though I got a fair offer because that is not a subject that interests me that much. Also, the whole set would have expensive for my collections budget. They did look cool though.