I have a issue I would like to discuss :
Do any of you get frustrated when you do an Ebay search for items ( say from Caesars Palace, or El Cortez, or any other casino ) and hundreds of other non related items to your search comes up from one particular seller ?
I do and I am sure I am not the only one. If this happens it is usually because the seller is spamming his description. Which is a policy violation of Ebay.
I will show you an example:
Seller ( socopoker on Ebay ) puts this in his description of all his Casino related listings ( and currently has over 950 running now ) :
If you put in an Ebay search of El Cortez and you include description you will get all 950 + items from socopoker in your search results because he included El Cortez in the over 200 Nevada casinos in his description. There may not even be one item from El Cortez from socopoker, yet you have to waste your time going through all those useless listings. That's just wrong.
What do others think ?