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The Chip Board Archive 25

John, I can't shake the feeling that the key fob

was meant for something OTHER than a guest's room key. The plastic fob is too large (2-1/4" diameter) and too "floppy" to have been used by guests who would carry around their room keys during their stay. That's why I was thinking maybe it opened a supply room, say where maids would get fresh towels and toilet paper. Or maybe a maintenance man's boiler room key? Safe deposit box key, maybe, but if those keys are the originals (I have no way of knowing), they look more like they'd work ordinary doorknobs/deadbolts.

I missed it on my first pass through the swap meet, in a heap of junk (errrr, priceless treasures) thrown onto a table by one of the "regular" vendors. Jewels, old watches, a few Chuck E. Cheese coins, you-name-it. By good fortune the "casino" side of the daisy was left up after people rummaged around, glinting in the sun, and I zeroed in on the word Casino. On the other side, there is only a black numeral "1" written in marker.

Messages In This Thread

Weekend Finds at Pasadena CC Swap
Keys look like regular house keys.
Add this....
You correctly identified the Schlage key which
Nice... and that Royal Inn fob is a killer.
I just reread the fob description and ~~~
John, I can't shake the feeling that the key fob
Here Are Others
Interesting - and yes, obviously a give-away item
Re: Weekend Finds at Pasadena CC Swap
Ja! I recognized the People's Choice as something
Nice finds 😀

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