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The Chip Board Archive 25

Help, Pinion Plaza $5 chips, long vs. short cogs..

I sent an email from a user of ChipGuide, advising that of the two $5 chips shown on ChipGuide from the Pinion Plaza, that both were labeled as "short cogs" versions. TCR #18 reflects that there is a long and short cog version (variation) of this chip, wherein the long cogs version (N2485) was released in 1995, and the short cogs version (E5853) was released in 2000.

Shown below is a screenshot of the listed chips from ChipGuide, supposedly of each version, yet the contributors identified both as "short cogs" versions. While the two chips shown have different color shadings (probably due to scanner differences) both look to me to have the same size cogs.

So, my question is, does anyone have access to both versions, and, can you please provide a side-by-side scan? Failing that, does anyone have a scan of this chip where the cogs are sized differently than the cogs seen in both of these chips.

BTW - I am assuming that the cogs are the bumps on the spiral in the center of the inlay. vbg

I thank you in advance as we try to keep ChipGuide as accurate as possible. My thanks also to the individual who, using the "update" feature of ChipGuide, brought this to our attention.

Messages In This Thread

Help, Pinion Plaza $5 chips, long vs. short cogs..
Re: Help, Pinion Plaza $5 chips, long vs. short co
Dennis, thanks for the comment, however....
Being A Most Fussy Examiner of Chips ---
The text on the bottom chip looks thicker
Michael, agreed, however...
Check out Larry H's website ...
Will do. Thanks.
And the answer is... Long vs Pointy, Short vs Flat

Copyright 2022 David Spragg