Pam, I stopped by the ONYX Level Party last night and picked up the flyer for this level of play. Previously, the "ONYX" level was kept a secret, unless you were an ONYX player. The Executive Slot Hosts, when asked about the ONYX level, typically replied, Oh, you don't want to qualify for ONYX, it is given to players that reach a certain level of losses!
Well, the new B-Connected Rewards Program is a bit more transparent, in that they acknowledge the ONYX level of play, as well as the newly added TITANIUM level. However, while they know the "Tier Points" needed to achieve each level, I have not seen them published. Note also, they are/will be converting existing Tier Points, using an unreleased formula, to the new Tier Points and issuing new cards on the 27th for players.
From the party last night, here are scans of the ONYX level flyer...