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The Chip Board Archive 25

Nomorobo works wonders
In Response To: Bad phone day. NCR ()

I got so many of these calls that i started to use Nomorobo. It blocks 95% of those calls and no real calls have been blocked that I know of. The only down side is that often the phone will give off half a ring or occasionally a single ring before Nomorobo cuts it off. Give it a try if these calls are bugging you. It's free and can easily be turned off.

Messages In This Thread

Bad phone day. NCR
Re: Bad phone day. NCR
That's nothing. My call advised me to ~~~
Re: You're lucky...
Remember a sucker is born every minute
Nomorobo works wonders
IN JUNE I "WON" $500,000....
You are lucky...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg