To all,
First of all my wife and I are both PAID life members. No one gave us an honorary membership or anything free. We have always paid our way and asked for nothing in return.
I no longer collect any type of casino memorabilia or share my opinions and beliefs on our two boards.
However, I find it necessary to voice my opinion about the dues increase and other pertinent items. I believe a $5.00 increase, in the long run, will reduce membership. Yes, collectors pay large sums of money for their treasures but they do not need an organization to belong to in order to collect chips or any type of memorabilia. In fact there are hundreds of collectors who do not belong to our organization for many personal and political reasons.
One is they don’t like to be nickeled and dimed and forced to pony up every time our board believes they need more money for whatever reason. I do believe they would give that extra $5.00 if decisions were not made in secret board votes, discussed openly and result of the vote shared.
We are an Internal Revenue Service Code Section 501c3 tax free organization. Our bylaws, corporate minutes, board member votes, et al MUST be recorded and made available to individual members who are willing to pay the reproduction costs and mailing fees. YOU the board cannot conduct OFFICIAL business in secrecy. You may discuss plans, ideas, operational changes, et al without detailed minutes BUT when you take a vote it must be recorded and shared with the membership; if the individual members are willing to pay the expense previously discussed above.
A tax free organization does not operate in secrecy. It is open to its membership. A member can even audit the books if that member is willing to travel where the books are kept and incur all expenses involved. Board members cannot run this organization like it’s their own club.
Board members are trustees of our tax free organization and must answer to the membership when properly requested. Properly means the request is reasonable, fully paid for and adequate time is provided for the board to reply.
I agree with Archie. Board votes involving membership increases should be made public. Board members should be listed as to how they voted. Nothing is more sickening than a board vote right before an election so those who are not running anymore can vote without any consequences. This is just plain wrong!