These chips chips have been attributed to Ziegler’s (Stockton, Ca). *** I’m sure there will be an argument coming. I can’t deny that there isnt chance that these didn’t end up there, but I’m going to say that most likely not. And there will be someone saying their Dad or Uncle played there and that is where the chips came from....for that, I have no answers.
So after 12 years of collecting and the last 7-8 researching.....I have plenty to share. I know I have an unfair advantage by being able to peek into manufacturing records..
I will start sharing more info.....ZV
These chips were sent to...
Ted Becker
C/o Olympia (not Olympic) House
1141 Broadway
Fresno, Ca
2400 chips (6 colors)
A 2nd order for 200 more chips (orange) 2-15-49
Ted Becker also had a stake in the Zombie Village (down the block)ZV??? Call me Theo ant the Olympic Hose ....and Ted at the Zombie Village 🤔
I did not find a newspaper article with gambling and Zombie Village in it....there are quite a few with liquor violations.