This was the third trip my son has come with me to Las Vegas. The only difference on this trip for him was he is now 21!!! Austin and I had one of the greatest father/son vacations ever at the South Point. We went downtown one evening and I did my thing at the Four Queens and he did his own Fremont Street thing. I left downtown with some extra money and he left with some great stories and memories from what can be seen on Fremont!!! We also watched Doug Smith spin the Big Wheel for 25k and we high fived when Cigarman hit. He also went Friday and Saturday with me to the convention and watched me purchase some great chips. I think he wanted to make sure I didn't spend "his" gambling and cocktail money . We already have made plans for the convention next year and he realizes he needs to save more money than what he did for this year. Thanks to everyone who help make the convention an "A.C.E.". Now for my chip haul and thanks for looking.