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The Chip Board Archive 25
Fred DeKeyser R-6696...215.60
In Response To:
Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
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Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
Hector Rivera R-8849 221.3
John Skinner R-6438 - 219.6
Geri Hempel 6173-A 206.4
Dan Cooley R-8220 - 212.2 pounds
I forgot to mention, contest over at 10PM tonight
Re: I forgot to mention, contest over at 10PM toni
Fred Hempel LM6173-173-210 Lb. 10 Oz.
Keith Gabor R-8908 200.4 lbs
Charles Bianco R-8024 199.8
Emilio Soto 203.7 lbs
Emilio Soto R-8784 203.7 lbs
Bob Hiestand R-5251 207.1
Charles Davis R-5943 189.8 Lbs
Ed Cohon - LM-6940 - 211.6
A. J. Giametta (R-8248) 196.5
Congrats AJ, you were the 2nd closest !!!!!
Dick Bartley [LM-5316-201] - 198.0
185.5 LB
8364 LM 250. 197.6 lbs
Torrey Morand 8364 LM 250. 197.6 lbs
183.5 LB
R-8000 - 218.8 lbs - thanks for the fun
Dennis Berry - R-8000 - 218.8 lbs
Rodney Anderson R 7886 OR 206.8
Steve Miller LM 1069-245 203 even
Matt Elliott #R-8311 207.2 lb
David Byard R-7843 194.5
David Byard R7843 194.5
Congrats David !!!! You were the closest !!!!
Fred DeKeyser R-6696...215.60
Re: Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
if I wasn't losing weight, I would have
if I wasn't losing weight, I would hav
You are correct Mark.... Eye candy galore where I
Keith E. Bearden R-8344, 217.6 lbs
Gary Acquistapace LM-0289-14 208.3
Virgil Foss R-6387 216.9
GARY KUEHl LM 3062-257 207.9
Richard "Reggie" Gummer 215.1
Re: Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
Joel B. R-8888 217.2
Re: Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
Ron Goudsmit R-7960 201.5
Re: Time for Contest !!!!! Please read the rules
Brenda Black. Hlm-01a 202.2
SHELDON SMITH: lm-83/221.3
Contest closed and winners above in new post.....
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