While I applaud your efforts and willingness to come up with alternative ideas, I do have several problems with what you suggest.
1) 3 years paid membership and 2 years convention entry costs the club nearly $100 per person. While I agree its a fantastic incentive, for every 100 members that take up that offer, that costs the club $10,000
2) We simply cannot use funds that have been earmarked for the MOGH for any project we wish like membership.
Those like myself that have donated as well as raised thousands of dollars for the MOGH would be very upset to see any of those funds used for anything other than the MOGH efforts.
3) Jim Nolls donation was to the MOGH and not to the club itself
4) Giving away something for free while charging the membership that continues to support the club, is always a sticky issue. Why should we be giving convention admission for free to potential members when there are people like myself, the BOD, the Editors, The Convention Chairs and so many others who volunteer and donate hundreds of hours a year to the club, have to pay to get in?
While not a huge deal for me, I am sure it would upset many others and thats the last thing we want to do is make the people who are already club members feel like they are unappreciated or at least less worthy of something than a potential member.
Once again, I do think we may need to think outside the box to gain new members, just not sure I can support your current proposal.
Thanks for your thoughts,