I recently bought a counterfeit $25 Binion's Horseshoe chip because I thought it could keep company with my counterfeit $100 Binion's Horseshoe chip. I've never seen another $100 chip and Rich Burgel has several $25 chips for sale. I've often wondered about this chip (now chips.) They're from the same series (horseshoe mold with three split inserts) which TCR dates to the mid-1970's. So probably the same guy did both denominations. They're pretty well done and must have taken some time to make each chip. Hard to imagine that they would be used in the casino. They wouldn't fool a dealer and Benny Binion wouldn't take kindly to the idea. I once heard of a scam using the 25 cent inlayed Mint Casino chip. Someone would scrape the cents sign off making it appear like a $25 chip and sell them at a discount to people detraining with the explanation that they needed to be on this train. There aren't many inlaid 25 cent chips so they could be pretty convincing. Does anyone have an idea why these were made. Maybe someone just killing time without any purpose. Here's a real and a counterfeit example.