Our day started at about 7:15 am at the Nevada State Museum, Springs Preserve, to participate in their Nevada State Museums Showcase. The MoGH was one of 20 museums, state-wide, that were invited to participate. It was a great event, as over 1,100 visitors saw our set-up during the day, and another 100 VIP and special Guests were on-hand for the VIP event.
The first group of pictures below, show our set-up before the visitors arrived. Please note that the 3 tall display cases are the "MoGH Exhibit" at the Nevada State Museum. The tables in front are what we brought in to show our stuff for the day! We thank the Nevada State Museum and Springs Preserve for the opportunity to be there and for the ample space given!!!
The MoGH thanks, Steve Palumbo for allowing us to show a portion of his Casino Satin Jackets collection.
The MoGH also thanks, Rich Burgel for his very, very generous donation of "trinkets", to use as handouts to the kid visitors. Rich, your keychains, magnetic mirrors, large pencils and straws were a great hit! I believe your donation was in excess of 1,000 items, the majority of which was handed out and the balance will be used at Convention time for the Youth Program!
The computer monitor shown below, was used to display the MoGH's ChipGuide in real-time! The monitor is a touchscreen display, and we asked visitors where they were from and would then visit that location. Everyone was impressed that we could show collectibles near or in their selected location. We even had a former employee of the Beverly Hills Casino, Russian Federation, that recognized the Chuck Norris chips!
Shown below are Christine Smith and Jerry Vergatos stuffing the "Swag Bags" we handed out to the VIP Event.
Carey Burke worked the table. Carey was so very instrumental in getting the MoGH into the Nevada State Museum, and in turn, the Showcase! Thanks, Carey!!!
Gary Kuehl stopped by to visit.
The Massey's stopped by to say Hi!
A typical shot of visitors at the tables.
Some of the MoGH Leadership directing the set-up crew.
The full Crew!
L - R Front Row - Pam Focazio, Christine Smith and Sheldon Smith
L - R Back Row - Jim Follis, Jerry Vergatos and Carey Burke
Photo by Jack Wiengarten, who also stopped by. Mike Spinetti also visited (sorry, their pics were too fuzzy).
"That's all folks!"
This fellow needed some rest!