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The Chip Board Archive 25
Idiot from France, dose e-bay care? they stop fake
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Tired of that kind of crap
watches, and many other counterfeit items.
Messages In This Thread
Tired of that kind of crap
Re: Tired of that kind of crap
Re: Tired of that kind of crap
It does more than make the hobby look bad.
Re: It does more than make the hobby look bad.
There is nothing wrong with what you did.
Re: There is nothing wrong with what you did.
But it's graded by EMC Grading as " "
Re: But it's graded by EMC Grading as " "
Idiot from France, dose e-bay care? they stop fake
Re: Idiot from France, dose e-bay care? they stop
it's not France - it's Canada's Ebay (French versi
Re: it's not France - it's Canada's Ebay (French v
As they say in France, Achat e Vente
Re: As they say in France, Achat e Vente
Sorry my link was in french lol
Which is Alsace-Lorrentian for..
Yes, when the Accent Grave is on the Hyphen
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