I sent the below message to abuse@aol.com this afternoon concerning our friend DALE. I encourage everyone else to do the same if you are sick of him.
Bill R-4581
Date:Tue, 07 Aug 2001 16:52:17 -0500
From:Bill Thompson
To:abuse@aol.com, greg@thechipboard.com
My self & several hundred other Casino Chip collectors frequent a bulletin board called "The Chip Board" (http://thechipb.dws0206.fast.net/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl) to discuss collecting casino collectibles, issues affecting our hobby, auction announcements,
etc... For about the last month or 2, a person has been using an AOL account to make posts to the board & apparently, he is only doing it to harass, provoke, disrupt, slander, & generally try to stir people up. He uses several assumed names (today it's been DALE & peter van der car ) but he has used other assumed names. Most everyone has been trying to ignore him & the webmaster (I assume) has been deleting his messages. It is getting old, can you as his ISP, do anything about him?
Below is a list of the IP addresses that were used to post the messages, the URLs to the messages, & the time the message was posted. These were all
posted this afternoon.
Thank You
Bill Thompson
Derby, KS
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150747 8/7/01 3:19
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150746 8/7/01 3:16
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150745 8/7/01 3:15
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150744 8/7/01 3:14
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150713 8/7/01 1:19
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150743 8/7/01 3:13
p.m. CDT
http://www.thechipboard.com/cgi-bin/tcb/tcb.pl?read=150712 8/7/01 1:17
p.m. CDT