First there is no valid comparison between slabbing and the witch hunts. To do so trivializes the issue. Witches don't exist - Slabs do. I have seen the Slabs with my own eyes.
Witches never hurt anybody. But we have seen countless examples of Slabbing hurting other hobbies.
When one typically refers to a witchhunt the idea is to suggest that innocent people are being hurt in the name of the hunt. Clearly that is not the case here.
1) I haven't yet actually seen anyone who has been hurt by a Chip Witch.
Because the damage from Slabbing only becomes obvious if Slabbing catches on. We must stop it before it does its damage.
2) I've seen a few slabbed chips at chip shows, but they were only samples offered by the chip slabbing company,
Were you at the convention?
3) I don't know of any chip collectors who have sent their chips to get slabbed
Were you at the convention?
4) I know of only one dealer who was selling some slabbed chips at a chip show and he was about run out of town
Run out of town? He was at the convention.
6) The possibility of a chip witch has caused three distinguished members of the chip collecting community to resign their CC>CC convention positions
three? did I miss one, Trimble & Kruse, who else did we lose? We didn't lose them due to the possibility of a Chip Witch, we lost them because they made personal decisions about how they needed to act in light of the current situation.