Katie, on the way back to Sacramento off of route 99 just north of Modesto at Maneca is route 120 which goes to Oakdale. (I think about 25 miles inland.)
In any case, on the right hand side of the main street, just before you turn left by the train station to continue on 120, is a card room (which I think is called Mike's Card room.)
They have some great looking new chips which I sure would like to have if possible. I was there a couple of months ago, but the kid running the card room wouldn't let me buy any chips and since I had my wife with me, I couldn't take the time to sit down at the table to harvest any.
Now, I am not suggesting you purposely go out of your way to seek out these chips, however-----------------.please don't forget me.
About 10 others I know would also like them, including probably David Moore.