I am very disappointed in the Board's action, particularly since I voted for most of them, like all of them, and respect each of them. I do not understand why they voted as they did and their decision hurts.
The actions by Jim and Gene to w/draw from their Annual Club activities signifies what may be the beginning of a devisive and long term dispute in the Club. The call by some for a new club is only one reaction.
I, for one, will continue to support the Club and the board (just as I supported the office of the Presidency of the United States even after Clinton disgraced it and Bush over took it). However, I see some serious problems ahead of us and hope that cooler heads will prevail. If we don't like what the Board did, then our recourse is to vote them out next year.
On the other hand, I haven't heard from any of the Board here or on the Club board as to why they took the action they did. I would like to hear from them.