Good info but no answers for me. I remember the Equipose from the old days because it was across the street from the Greyhound Depot at 7th & L. I have a lighter that has the Equipose on one side and Joe's Club (at 5th & K St) on the other. They were just a couple of blocks apart. I see Joe's Club closed in 1961 when they gentrified K St. Maybe the owners retained the license in hopes of using it at another location. Also I see that the 1975 listing shows the Lucky Streak as being "Card rms" - note the plural. Also there doesn't seem to be any chips from the Lucky Streak - maybe they were going to use the A.B.C. Club chips?
None of the downtown Sacramento card rooms used a HHL chip mold. Its all just a mystery.
As an interesting aside Ginny of Ginny's Card room in Marysville told me several years ago that she used some chips from Joe's Club - the 5¢ - in her club in the early days. So I guess the chips do move around a bit. By the way Ginny's chips were HHL also.