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The Chip Board Archive 25

I agree. But the biggest reason is it's rugged.

It's a commercial grade piece of hardware that is priced accordingly. Yes, it has the right technical choices built into its design, but the main reason it lasts so long is that it has rugged mechanics and good diagnostic programs to help maintain it. In most cases, a $1000 product will outlast a $75 product.

Messages In This Thread

Thank you Leonidas and Manuel!!!
HP scanners
Don L has the best recommendation!
Not all Epson Perfection scanners are alike...
Re: Not all Epson Perfection scanners are alike...
Don, my V500 is about 8 or 9 yrs old and
I agree. But the biggest reason is it's rugged.
Bill, this is the deal.... CCD vs. CIS
Here's a link for factory refurbished Epson scanne
Thanks for all of the input....

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