I have strong feeling in this issue and would rather not express them here. This is not the place. It would be nice if the issues were as simple as some people here suggest, unfortunately they are not. The issues that are being debated here have been debated for many, many years without resolution. The redeeming factor is that both sides are strong enough to create some equilibrium. I have seen intelligent people here on the board, passionate in their views, resort to stereotyping groups and making inflammatory remarks to the other side. This is sad day for our group and should be an embarrassment to others looking on.
I love to argue and have done so since I was old enough to speak, which has caused me many unpleasant hours in my youth! I was told something once that has stuck with me for many years and it sure seems to hold true. “When you argue with a jackass, the longer you argue the tougher it is to tell which one is the jackass.” In the real world, this same issue has caused its share of hardships and fatalities.
I enjoy coming here and reading the posts, learning about the field, having fun, and mostly meeting new people whom I have grown to respect. I hate to think of this discussion topic tearing our group apart. Is it time for a ‘time out’ on this issue? CHIPS anyone?
On the Sidelines
Mike Poole