Not a lot in my notes for [Bronco / Buffalo] Billy's. Lost $10 on the Craps Table doing the harvest. The dang place has taken over the whole block, and there wasn't any good signage as to what was in each storefront. Took me quite a while to find the level with the table games! Riding my Mobility Scooter is a pain in the * as there are stairs at each level. I don't expect a century old building to be ADA compliant, just be forewarned, that if like me, walking for you is not as easy as it used to be, all of Cripple Creek will take a while to navigate. But, I did it, so you can too!
Nice enough, might work for the younger folks, but it's a poor subsitute for Binion's display, at least for this Dinosaur.
If I ever get around to it. I just might have accidently left my go-pro camera on while scooting through this casino. It'll just take too long to go through the vids to get good pics extracted until I've got a couple of stuck sick in bed days available to me