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The Chip Board Archive 25

My Colorado Trip: Ute Mountain

Good Evening to All!

I'm finally getting caught up enough to post a few pics and words about the casinos I visited on my Colorado Trip. The excuse for the trip was to go pick up my Mother at my Aunt's house in Salida. My brother had dropped her off the week before.

Of course, I had to go chipping while going to pick her up. Chipping is a wonderful way to have a reason to go wondering around the state. Gives you a purpose for the trip. Some folks go to Sports Stadiums, we go visit Casinos. Will I make any money off the Harvest of Chips? What a silly question in this market! Most of the chips I collected lost almost half their value as soon as I got them to the truck in the parking lot! But, unlike the eBay purchases that make up 99% of my collection, these chips I got for myself. They hold a special place in my heart as reminders of a vacation done well.

First Casino stop was Ute Mountain. A quick diversion to a couple of shots of the trip there. Took me two days of a nice leisurely drive from Las Vegas.

And Now for the casino.
Not much to say about the place. It's a casino... Nice, but unremarkable. Played a couple hands of $3 BlackJack, hit a blackjack and got the 50 cent chip. Forgot to put out the side bet on whatever it was, and missed a $20 payout. Did score a chip that was not listed in The Chipguide in un-notched form. Not a big whoop, I know, but still adds to the fun!

And A nice shot leaving town to the next casino:

Messages In This Thread

My Colorado Trip: Ute Mountain
Awesome Steve, did you go to Sky Ute
Posting Sky Ute in a few minutes!
Ute Mountain. Smoky Casino
Re: My Colorado Trip: Ute Mountain Video

Copyright 2022 David Spragg