The jerk at the admission desk now says "come back today and show me positive ID, fill out our mandatory required registration form and I will issue you an admission badge."
What's wrong with this picture?
Yesterday Sheldon's wife graciously offered to process my registration with not one, but two valid state issued IDs. Archie was unwilling to cooperate with her, exercised his narcissistic ego-bound self-perceived powers and says no, I reject the SOB.
Could it be that the omnipotent Archie now recognizes that he was the one who was out of line? Now he says "come on down" without admitting that he acted inappropriately yesterday.
Let's see if Archie is is big enough to acknowledge his unreasonable narcissistic behavior and poor judgement, both of which were highly detrimental to the CCGTCC and participating convention dealers, and issue a public apology.
I would graciously accept a sincere apology and let bygones be bygones.
Heck, I may even decide the trek back over there again to peruse what is left of the convention with a friend who wants to go today.
Whadda 'ya say Arch?