archives using the keywords "Raffle Winners", here are the files you must have missed.
2016 Raffle winners
2015 Raffle winners
2014 Raffle winners
2013 Raffle Winners
2012 Raffle Winners
I have been doing the raffle since 2012 and I just dont want anyone getting the impression that I dont post the names.
As far as what the get?
Here is what has been posted so far. Each Winner get approximately 10% of the items posted evenly distributed.
More items added each week as they come in.
Would it be nice if the winner names were posted each night? Maybe, but keep in mind convention volunteers like myself work all day and night for a full week on the convention. Expecting us to do even more it a little much.
If helping out the club with an important fundraiser and having a chance to win great prizes while doing it isnt enough to get people "Inclined", I am not sure what else we can do.