I only met him once in 2006 and that is the only convention I have attended. I always mean to go to more but it never happens! I never knew how serious he was or if he was just joshing but I did love drooling over all the new releases he would get the day they came out!! he even got the 25 and 100 and I thought that was great. He was enjoying retirement where he wanted to be Las Vegas. Glad he enjoyed his last years and I will miss all the photos. I know he had a love/hate relationship with many but its nice to hear from you that he didnt hold that in too much. He did find some great gaming memorabilia over the years that always amazed me, I thought man he must look for this stuff 24/7!! I was always amazed at how he found so many free play chips and i bet many casino workers will begin to wonder where he is and why he isnt making his rounds anymore. I wish the best for his family and hope they hang some of his great blackjack felts on their walls!! The Chpboard will be quiet without him and man did his posts get a lot of reads! Thanks Rich your stories are always welcomed and appreciated!!