Looking for the following chips from the americana Aruba casino. I also have some duplicates if you are looking for some to trade for your collection. Michael I know your out there. Hopefully the new casino will be open at Barcello next month so I can bring back some goodies. Email me at your convenience if you have any of the chips below you would like to sell or trade. Thanks for looking Doug
Aruba Chips Needed.
No cash value. AME-0a
.50 cent AME-50.1
5.00 BJ Diecards red 3Pink AME-5.2
5.00 BJ Diecards red 3white
25.00 BJ25. 4grn/wht/yel AME-25f
25.00 BJ Diecards LT green 6white
25.00 BJ Diecards LT green 6black
100.00 Black 4 wht/ grey. AME-100
100.00 White 8grey AME-100.1