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The Chip Board Archive 25
Re: Because there are so many zeroes,you don't hav
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Because there are so many zeroes,you don't have to
The question was why a comma was used [and not the decimal point]?
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Not too many "hand-painted" casino chips known.
Because there are so many zeroes,you don't have to
Re: Because there are so many zeroes,you don't hav
Re: Because there are so many zeroes,you don't hav
Re: Because there are so many zeroes,you don't hav
Decimal currency, 500. Decimes
In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Re: In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Re: In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Re: In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Re: In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Re: In 1960 the French revalued to the Franc.
Here is a hand painted...
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