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The Chip Board Archive 25
Less than 15% of the total membership ...
In Response To:
Is it just me or does it seem a little
... cast ballots in the 2016 election.
Messages In This Thread
Is it just me or does it seem a little
Re: Is it just me or does it seem a little
I Had to Look Up the Meaning of that $5 Word..
Though I seriously doubt we'll ever see a ~~~
I guess we'll see who gets nominated then decide
Archie You are absolutely on
Re: Archie You are absolutely on
Re: Archie You are absolutely on
Re: Archie You are absolutely on
Re: Archie You are absolutely on
Cost prohibitive, and I totally disagree with it
Wow! So few that vote.
This club is not on auto pilot ....
I agree with you 100%
Re: This club is not on auto pilot ....
Re: This club is not on auto pilot ....
Roy -- a quick observation...
Re: Roy -- a quick observation...
Re: Roy -- a quick observation...
Re: Roy -- a quick observation...
Re: Roy -- a quick observation...
Less than 15% of the total membership ...
Re: Less than 15% of the total membership ...
Joel -- when I was the club's Membership Officer
Re: Is it just me or does it seem a little
Re: Is it just me or does it seem a little
Thanks for your comments.
Re: Thanks for your comments.
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