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The Chip Board Archive 24
Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
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Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
Sounds like that from what I'm reading...
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Did you know Burt also made these ? ncr
John interesting what year were they made?
Re: History of the Burt Co.
Re: History of the Burt Co.
Here is an unused box label from the Burt company
Collectors told me 1880s.
Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
Re: Now I see that they started up shop in 1895.
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