~~~ the story, you may have instilled in some minds those same doubts... especially when viewers did not read when exactly the set was turned over to a thrift shop... and, I living just over the bridge from Palm Beach, 15 miles inland, could not understand why the town of Dania was chosen to select a thrift shop since just a few steps from the Kennedy home are some of the most noted and famous thrift shops in the world along with block after block of more of the world's most famous antique shops on US Hwy-1 which stretch several miles up and down the road well south to the town of Lake Worth which also is very well known, worldwide for its antique shops and weekly auctions... that have constantly obtained many, many estate items where buyers gather from all corners of the world to find such treasure as I have constantly done since I stepped foot in Palm Beach county in 1972... So, to read that the set of chips was sent way down to Dania, in Broward County seemed a bit odd to me even though there might have been good reason.
Perhaps this might be of some help to you regarding the doubts you've mentioned; after the world-famous Kennedy rape trial, the family decided to put the house on the market and it sold in 1995... Though I have not asked any questions, locally, as to what all became of the furnishings... I would assume if anything was sold there might have been an on-site estate sale or perhaps one or several buyers buyimg up the contents; I don't know... but I can not imagine the furnishings and whatnot be tricked way down to Dania, FL, when such well-known buyers and auction houses are just a few steps away.