So I'm currently spending all my free time updating all the information for the $1 chips in Nevada and LAS Vegas so it matches the extensive new information kindly given to us by The Chip Rack threesome.
However, you may find that there is some new, specific information being changed on some chips in The Chip Guide that doesn't jive with The Chip Rack. Perhaps some NCV chips or some 25 cent chips that say "1980s" in The Chip Rack but suddenly say "1987" on The Chip Guide.
It's not a mistake. Once I am done going through all the updated information in The Chip Rack, I am going to tackle the chip and token history list provided by the Nevada Gaming Control Board. There are some cases where I have looked things up just for bowel movements and because I'm getting board watching all the bad programming that seems to permeate my television set at all hours of the day. So, if a chip just says "1980s" or "1990s" in The Chip Rack, I'm taking a small peak at the NGCB to see if I can get a more accurate date for all of us.
Rest assured, The Chip Rack gentlemen are aware of what I am doing, and so are The Chip Guide administrators. I'm hoping to put as many dates as I can to the time frame issue dates we have. Plus, I am also copying this information so Mr. Sands can do what he feels is correct with it.
I wanted to keep the chip community in the loop so if you don't wonder what is going on when you see some strange information on The Chip Guide. Also, you will also be seeing some new "scan needed" signs in some new entries. If you would please do all of us a favor and if you have a chip that has no scan in The Chip Guide, please provide us a scan. If you don't have a scanner, either see about taking a high quality digital photo of it or ask The Chip Board for some help with borrowing a scanner. The more our library grows, the better The Chip Guide becomes in helping chippers and non-chippers alike.
Thank you for your patience and your help. I thank you; The Tubes Group thanks you; the chipping community thanks you and all the single cell organisms in our solar system thank you.