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The Chip Board Archive 24

It really depends Jimmy
In Response To: Plaque!! ()

The photos of the $1000 Sands Plaque you're showing really look like that plaque has been abused.

It looks like it's warped and some of the lettering has been wore off......which it would be in pretty poor condition.

A nice example in TCR has a Z2 value (which would put in $1100 - $1600 estimated range), but if the plaque is really warped, you might get under $500 for the plaque.

A warped plaque is not a good thing since the lunettes may be shrinking. A good rule to test a plaque is warped, put the plaque on a hard flat surface and try to spin it (do this on both sides), if it moves/spins it slightly warped. if you put it on a hard surface and you can see a gap between the plaque and the hard surface, it's really warped.

I'm no plaque expert, so others can chime in on the value.

Messages In This Thread

It really depends Jimmy
Re: It really depends Jimmy
Re: Plaque!!
A couple sets like yours have sold in the last
Re: Plaque!!
In that same auction, these plaques also sold
While the book value shows much higher, that same

Copyright 2022 David Spragg