My Condolences John

Messages In This Thread
- Today was the saddest day of my life...
- Re: So sorry to hear
- Sincere condolences John
- Re: Sincere condolences John
- Sincere condolences John
- Very sorry. My condolences
- sending prayers!
- Very Sorry John , my condolences
- My sincerest condolences to you, John
- Sad, RIP, be well John
- My Condolences
- Sorry John…
- Very sorry for your loss.
- My deepest condolences
- Sincerest Condolences...
- Deepest Condolences
- Sorry to hear the news john - Thoughts and prayers
- Re: Today was the saddest day of my life...
- John - Cherish all the memories of your Mom....
- My Condolences
- My Condolences John.....
- My Condolences John
- May my prayers ease your pain, sincere condolences
- Our Sincere Condolences John
- Our Condolences on Your Loss
- so sorry John
- John,sad,96 years of life,blessed
- Re: Sorry for your loss John
- Sorry to hear that....
- Re: Today was the saddest day of my life...
- So Sorry for your loss John
- My sincere condolences to you and your family.
- John Sorry to hear that
- My Condolences
- Very Sorry John , my condolences
- John. my condolences to you, your family & friends
- Thanks for your kindness. Really appreciate it...
- My sincerest condolences.
- My Sincere Condolences
- My condolences, John.
Copyright 2022 David Spragg