The Chip Board
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The Chip Board Archive 24

I do not know you but...... from what I have seen

here, I have some takes...

After having so much fun at the convention, I open the board and this is what I find..damn! What a downer!

You call us:

Old Farts (maybe you are right about that one,)
We are all worthless and have nothing else to do in life
you want our club to disappear
You call us idiots
we are all cry babies
you hate working and dealing with chippers
You act like a baby who got caught with your hands in the cookie bar
you say somebody who dealt with you got their money back, but he did not get it from you...meaning you still kept the money
and the way you defend yourself is by shouting at the victims....not defending yourself

Based on that I recommend:

1- Get off the board as it is for chippers and chips and you hate them all!!
2- Sell your hated chips to anybody but chippers..after all you hate dealing with them
3- Get back to whatever hole you came from as I believe that, if that is how you behave in public, you may belong where you were...not here.

Chippers: I strongly recommend you leave this guy alone, let him sell his chips to non-chippers...he hates the chips and hates you, and thinks you are worthless. Lets see how much money he gets out of non-chippers for his hated chips..

And...he comes in asking for help..and then blasts us.......not cool .. let him be

My medical diagnosis in very scientific terms.. He is nuts! and belongs in an anger management program, just to start with!

Messages In This Thread

IM BACK !!! Selling some of my rare chips tho
Frankly I dont think you can be Trusted
Re: Frankly I dont think you can be Trusted
Re: Frankly I dont think you can be Trusted
Re: Frankly I dont think you can be Trusted
ChipBoard Post from 2013
Re: ChipBoard Post from 2013
Re: ChipBoard Post from 2013
I do not know you but...... from what I have seen
Re: IM BACK !!! Selling some of my rare chips tho

Copyright 2022 David Spragg