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The Chip Board Archive 24

Re: It took less than 48 hours for a Major Newspap

From what I've read, the AR-15 is not an assault weapon. No assault weapons ban would have had any effect in Orlando. Bring up the NRA is a red herring

Messages In This Thread

I just arrived into Orlando...the town is mourning
Re: I just arrived into Orlando...the town is mour
Re: I just arrived into Orlando...the town is mour
It took less than 48 hours for a Major Newspaper
We must be vigilante and ready.
We must be "equipped" and ready.
Re: It took less than 48 hours for a Major Newspap
murder guns
Re: I just arrived into Orlando...the town is mour
CNN....Grayson.....Duh! Lots of Neurons there!!!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg