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The Chip Board Archive 24

Heading for Vegas in the morning !!!

Well the time has come to hit the road again on - My 16th Annual Road Trip to the Convention. I still have to finish loading up the van with 1000s and 1000s of chips, my Exhibit items and lots of socks and underwear !! vbg vbg vbg
I will be 'Wandering" across country for 11 days before I actually set foot in Vegas on Sunday June 19th for Convention Week activities.
I will be stopping along the way to see fellow chippers in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky and Colorado for sure and maybe a couple of other places.
I look forward to seeing everyone at the Convention and having a lot of stories to tell about my cross country Adventures !! If all goes well I will be back home in Delaware on or about July 2nd.
Take care,

Messages In This Thread

Heading for Vegas in the morning !!!
Jerry meant Las Vegas.
No -"Hotrod" - I meant Vegas !! vbg vbg
Re: No -"Hotrod" - I meant Vegas !! vbg vbg
Also going thru Philly, Cincy + K.C. vbg vbg
Is "Vegas" Considered Derogatory like "Frisco"..
Nope ... only Ralph grin
"Vegas" Magazine cover photo
He means VIVA Las Vegas.
Re: Can you VIVA Vegas?
I'd love to check out your Sock Collection
Gas stations have surveilance cameras. vbg
Do you want me to pick one up for you ??? vbg

Copyright 2022 David Spragg