My daughter created my home page and for 6 years I've put in more than a 1,000 scans. Then In March, GoDaddy popped a notice that there would be an "upgrade" in September and we had to move our homepage with all new pages. Talking with the GoDaddy techies (at my cost since they don't provide an 800 number--though they have one) I learned that I would have to move each and every one of my scans & texts--a process that would take months and months. They pointed out that when I signed up for my home page I was told that they might made "upgrades." But nowhere did the original contract say this would require me to move the individual scans. "they" then offered to move "20" pages for me. 20 pages? Bar humbug!
So I'm now in the process of finding a techie that can make the move. I got a post from GoDaddy asking "how did we do?" I told them how they did.
So my suggestion for others is "DaddyGo"